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Not only does air frying still run the risk of creating acrylamides, but polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic amines can result from all high-heat cooking with meat. These compounds have associations with cancer risk, according to the National Cancer Institute . 2 апр. 2019 г.

The downside Air-frying also produces high temperatures at a very rapid rate, thus making it extremely easy to burn food. And charred food may be carcinogenic. In addition, Cucuzza adds, because most devices cook 1 to 3 pounds of food at a time, it can be challenging to air-fry meals for a large family.

Air fryers do not emit radiation. Unlike microwave ovens that use electromotive force (EMF), nuclear reactors such as air fryers do not use the same radiation type. Despite being the best at using radiation for cooking food perfectly, many people still avoid using microwave ovens due to their adverse side effects.

Cooking in air-fryers could produce acrylamide, a toxic and potentially carcinogenic chemical. It is an odorless, white, crystalline organic solid with melting point of 84-86° degrees Celsius.

Air fryers use less oil—which avoids the need for reheating oil—and may affect the amount of acrylamide—chemicals that are classified as group 2A carcinogens—that are produced.


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