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Miss Caretaker of Sunohara-sou (2018) .

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With the global athletic shoe industry worth close to $65 billion, it’s hard to imagine that by now we haven’t tried and explored all of the possibilities in footwear design and innovation. Nike alone makes hundreds of different styles of sneakers – per year. Yet this month, they announced a shoe that at first glance appears to be a fundamentally new and mechanically different shoe design: the GO FlyEase, a sneaker that does not require the use of hands to put on or take off.

The shoe has two core innovations: a giant, incredibly resilient elastic band called the tensioner stretching around the entire shoe, and a hinge in front of the heel that has an “open” and “closed” posture. When weight presses down on the heel, the hinge locks closed, allowing the elastic band to keep the shoe on tight. When taking the shoe off, you place a foot on the back of the other shoe’s heel kicker and pull your foot up. This “pops”’ the hinge open and allows you to slip your foot out. The hinge is a marvel in that it doesn’t pop open when you jump or take a step up (removing weight), a clear engineering and materials innovation.

The GO FlyEase is the latest in Nike’s FlyEase line of adaptive shoes and another step forward in normalizing inclusive design by creating with – not just for – communities of use; considering the end-to-end wearer experience; and through designing with edge users, creating a shoe with universal appeal.

Designing with – not for – customers

Nike launched its FlyEase line in 2015 for people experiencing disabilities. Nike first started working on adaptive shoes after executive Jeff Johnson suffered a stroke that significantly reduced his mobility. The company was further inspired by a letter from high schooler Matthew Walzer, who was born with Cerebral Palsy, describing his ambition to put on and tie his high-tops without the need for his parents’ help. The result was the Zoom Soldier 8 FlyEase, a basketball shoe with a zippered heel to assist with sliding it on. This year’s hands-free GO FlyEase is the latest shoe to join the FlyEase family.

Looking at the mechanics of the GO FlyEase, you might think, “That’s so simple – why hasn’t anyone thought of this before?” Chances are, they might have. Central to inclusive design is the fact that communities of use themselves are best placed to create solutions for their unique lived experiences. Nike consults with people experiencing disability when designing their FlyEase line, from everyday athletes to professionals like Paralympian Sarah Reinertsen and wheelchair fencer Beatrice Vio.

Nike isn’t the only major consumer brand looking at more adaptive footwear, either. In 2020, Australian boot company UGG launched UGG Universal – a line of boots with the signature UGG silhouette featuring functional additions like zippers, pull tabs, and stretch laces that make them easier to put on. UGG convened focus groups with people experiencing different types of disabilities in order to understand their footwear challenges and workshop shoe designs together in person. Respecting the creativity and insight of communities of use and trusting that they know what they need best is essential to truly inclusive design and products.

Considering the full wearer experience

As any sneakerhead knows, there is more to a shoe than functionality alone. History, aesthetic, packaging, and celebrity endorsements are all essential parts of what makes a shoe more than just something to cover your feet, but an identity and way of life.

While adaptive shoes have existed for decades, they’ve typically been relegated to clinical-looking orthopedic websites or medical offices. Brands like Nike are bringing the end-to-end luxury brand experience to people experiencing disabilities, from unboxing – the GO FlyEase comes in a kick-open box that doesn’t require hands – to stylish colors that express your personality.

Shoe design might strike some designers as pure marketing: a dash of material innovation, superficial “go-faster” colors, novel textures, and whoosh stripes. Yet it is these very flourishes that create the “cool” factor that make a pair of Nikes, Nikes. That, and the thrill of owning the very shoes that LeBron James wore in his last game – no matter your own ability level.

Companies are increasingly considering the full brand experience of their customers experiencing disabilities – Microsoft’s Kengan ashura xxx Bobilon t shirt yarn famously comes in sleek packaging that can be unboxed with the use of just one finger – and creating beautiful designs that make adaptive functionality something that people of all abilities celebrate and covet.

Edge customers, universal appeal

A shoe with proper support that doesn’t require your hands to put on and take off arguably has universal appeal. Almost all of us will experience disability at some point in our lives, if only from the simple fact of aging. It’s easy to see a range of scenarios where a hands-free shoe is useful: for pregnant women, for carrying heavy objects, or for any other situation that prevents someone from bending over, reaching, or using one or both hands at once.

The term “universal” itself has significant history and meaning in design circles. It was originally coined by architect Ronald Mace, who sought to design things that were beautiful and usable to as many people as possible, regardless of age, ability, or status in life. Simply put, paying attention to the needs of “edge cases” and more extreme users was shown to benefit everyone.

The intention to remove barriers to access has evolved into specializations such as accessible design and inclusive design. Rather than seeking to universalize the human experience, by recognizing differences, embracing diversity, and celebrating the uniqueness of communities of use, we can design products and experiences that make life better for all people.

Constraints for good

The GO FlyEase is a powerful lesson in innovation and a great example of humanism in business by putting the needs of “edge” customers forward as a driver. It’s also an instructive use of constraints as a way of forcing us to think differently about how we approach creative problem-solving. For designers, responsible innovation often seems like a list of constraints and rules that might stifle creativity. The GO FlyEase reminds us that good constraints can lead to significant business and human innovations, even in something as ordinary as the humble shoe.

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